Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Last day for Monique at LSI

Our Registrar for the past 6 years has been Monique Saville. Today, after 6 years of really hard work, Monique has retired. She has many plans for her future – gardening, tramping, and travelling to visit her relatives, to mention a few of her planned pastimes. 

Monique will return to LSI from time to time to replace Christine when Christine is on holiday, and she will visit the school lots.  Christine’s email address is cgrahame@lsi.edu  . Christine has been working at LSI for 5 months.


We will really miss Monique’s conscientious approach and her smiley face. We have wished her all the best for all the “free time” ahead of her, and we have thanked her for all her great work on our behalf. We have loved working with her.


  1. Monique!! I will miss you.
    And I have loved working with you. !!

    -Shinyoung from NZINFO Education Centre-

  2. Dear Monique,
    We really haven;t deal directly with you, but all of your collegues and parteners saying that you was very helpful and cooperated. It will be agreet lose for the school and the partners, but you had to take rest and enjoy your free life. We wish you ahappy life out side the pressure of work.
    Dar Almajalat for Education Services in Saudi Arabia.

  3. Dear Monique,
    I am very happy for you and sorry for me, not to have your assistance any more! Work in the language travel business is fun and exciting, but there is more in life! Do enjoy your future and
    have lots fun and ...good luck!
    Cheers Helmut Hampel FSTS Vienna


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